Parish and

Revolutionise your Agenda & Minutes Management with AM Generate

Laptop with pivot page on screen

Your council's workflow

AM Generate Empowers councils with user-friendly features to streamline document management, save time, and enhance transparency.

Communicate Faster

Say goodbye to manually emailing your team. Automate emails to all relevant parties, ensuring everyone stays informed and up-to-date.

Eliminate Repetative Tasks

Speed up the management of agendas and minutes. From creation to distribution, our drag and drop inteface allows you to spend less time on administrative tasks.

Automatic Document Creation

Generates accessible PDFs in one click. Compatible with various devices and screen readers, making it easy for everyone to access and read the agendas and minutes.

Website Sync

Seamlessly publish agendas and minutes on your website. Post documents directly, and automatically. ensuring stakeholders and the public can easily access the information.

About Us

20 Years of Service to Parish and Town Councils

With over 20 years of experience serving parish and town councils, AM Generate brings unparalleled expertise in understanding your unique needs and challenges.

We have partnered with Subversive Consultants, renowned experts in building customized products, to develop our platform. This collaboration ensures that our solution is tailored to meet the specific requirements of your council, delivering exceptional value and effectiveness.

At AM Generate, we are passionate about helping you save time and money. Our crafted solutions empower you to handle document management with ease, efficiency, and precision. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual processes and hello to streamlined operations. With AM Generate, you can trust us to be your reliable and trusted partner throughout your council's journey.


Any Questions? Answered

Need to know more, here are some of the most frequently asked questions.

AM Generate is a platform designed to revolutionise agendas and minutes document management for Parish and Town Councils. It provides user-friendly features that streamline document management, save time, and enhance transparency.

AM Generate is designed explicitly for Parish and Town Councils, aiding them in their document management processes.

AM Generate enhances transparency by automating the distribution of emails to all relevant parties and by seamlessly publishing agendas and minutes on your website. This ensures that stakeholders and the public can easily access the information.

AM Generate is backed by Vision ICT a dedicated team with over 20 years of experience serving parish and town councils. In our quest to provide the best solutions for agendas and minutes document management, we have partnered with Subversive Consultants, a renowned expert known for building customised products. This collaboration ensures that our solutions are specifically tailored to meet the unique requirements of your council, ultimately delivering exceptional value and effectiveness.

AM Generate streamlines the document management process, reduces time spent on administrative tasks, and automates communication and document creation. This leads to significant time savings and increased efficiency, ultimately saving money for councils.

At AM Generate, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive support to our clients. W understand your unique needs and challenges. We are committed to being your reliable and trusted partner throughout your council's journey. Our team is always ready to help you handle document management easily, efficiently, and precisely.


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[email protected]